Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Winter - gotta love it/gotta hate it

Winter - gotta love it/gotta hate it. Its all good if ur at the snow n stuff and having a good time skiing, snowboarding or just having a snow fight. But if u live here in Auckland where it doesnt snow and its just windy, wet, and cold (like today and yesterday) then its not much fun.But i really shouldn't complain too much compared to some of the temps the South Island has been getting!
School Stuff
I'm off on a geography camp to Rotorua next week which should be cool. Apart from the fact that i have to come home early from it on the last day :/ coz i have this piano duet exam thing that i'm doing which clashes with the time the school bus arrives back. Oh well thats life. But at least my parents will now be coming down to pick me up, so i won't have to end up catching a bus home earlier and being a loner on it :p


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