Monday, April 23, 2007

The Importance of Family

Just came across this quite interesting article on the Ministry of Social Development's website, while I was researching an essay topic for my Geography paper (which is on international migration, not family). I only skim read a bit of bit but yeah check it out. I think it will come in handy as a reference for when I write an essay for my Sociology paper - we have several topics to choose from and im doing mine on the Family. We have to find an article on the NZ Herald website between May 06 and April 07 that relates to issues surrounding the family in some way eg the anti-smacking bill. But we also have to argue it from a sociological perspective heh.

Anyway better get back to the research, oh the joy...


At 12:38 PM, Blogger Scotty said...

This post is getting mouldy.

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Scotty said...

This post is not the only thing that's getting old...I hear someone is having a birthday tomorrow....a 21st even. Happy birthday!

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Kate McDonald said...

thanks for sharing your poem!


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