Sat nite was my Kirsten's 21st b'day and she had a barn dance =) Was heapsa fun. (EVERYONE star to the left Scott!! =P). The theme was Western too which most ppl dressed up to so that was cool. I borrowed this cool top from my aunty that had tassles at the bottom of it, and wore jeans and my US bandanna heh heh (good excuse to wear it). So yeah overall was a pretty fun night.Which is bet-ah: Telecom or Vodafone?
I randomly bring up this topic b/c the other day i was goin thru my directory and found that nearly half my contacts are on Telecom now. Vodafone really needs to come up with something just as good or bet-ah to retrieve back its ex-customers. I, a loyal Vodafone person, have not yet switched to the "dark side" but it is tempting. Anyways i kinda can't now b/c.....i have a new cell phone :) Courtesy of my aunty who got me it in Singapore hehe (i'm paying her back for it). For those interested, its a Panasonic X68 and if u type that into Google Images u can see what it looks like (its black and silver flip phone, w/ pxt etc etc). Just gotta sort out how to change my browser/settings so i can send/receive MMS, but other than that i've pretty much sorted how to use most the features on it.
Other than that i've not got much else to say for now, except that uni has been going pretty good. Today i wrote down how many people i'd seen from school/church around campus or at the train and came up with 30+ so yeah =) Just need to make sure i keep on top of all my readings (so much to read for an Arts degree :/ ) and get writing my essays in the next week or two.
On the 021 / 027 thing: 021 targets a different market to 027. 027 goes for the masses, offering cheap texting to teenagers and 20 somethings. on the other hand, 021 targets businesses, and individuals with a little more money to spend, offering good deals on phone calls, etc. (which is why i'm thinking of going back to 021)
So 021 is probably not loosing so much of its market share by losing out on the $10 texters.
Add to this the fact that 021 is an international organization, so they can't really offer unlimited text, without international repercusions, and it means that 021 probably aren't going to do too much more to target the texting market. But look out for their voice plans - their recent business plan is offering free calls within the workgroup - perhaps they may release this to the private market?
Just for your information. I have heard thru the grapevine and also thru an article in the New Zealand Herald last year that the Technology that telecoms 027 network is based on does not have nearly as much potential as the network Vodafone is using. Telecom has been looking into converting it's network to the same technology as the 021 based network. which means if you buy a new telecom phone now, it may not be supported to the same extent as a new 021 phone in a few years time.
Strange that no one else seems to remember that move Priscilla!!! Haha!
Dipstick of the term here you come!!!
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