Saturday, April 02, 2005

Easter Camp 05!

Hey everyone, hope ya'll had a great and blessed Easter =) I know i did, went away to Easter Camp in Waihola, was cool :) The singing was really good, i reckon the best i've heard at any camp i've been to so far, i even recorded little snippets of my fave songs we sung at camp on my phone hahaha. Just as a little memento. And the theme was good too, 'Survivor' hehe...whoeva created the Survivor poster thingy did a great job =) Hehe the tribe i was in was called 'Nwolc' <~~ read it backwards and u'll understand (we got the idea from the material we were given to make into a flag and badannas which had these things on it). It was good catchin up with ppl and yeah just havin a good time. The talks were also quite good too, i think Josh said something bout putting them on the EC site for those of you that weren't able to come down for camp. I might attempt to post some photos of camp from my phone up on2 the SEC site too. I got my films developed the other day and most of them turned out pretty well...

Blogger Blunder
Man i deleted the post i made with the pic of me and a couple friends coz it was so huge, and coz it pushed my links on the side down the page...but last time i checked it hadn't got rid of it/fixed it =/ SO annoying.


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